I use the word 'directions' loosely as I really want you to feel your way with these rituals and put your own touch on them. Listen to your intuition and go with what feels personal and right for you.
Every one of our blends can be used as part of a ritual, here are four to get you started:

New Moon
What you'll need:
small bowl for mixing
carrier oil of choice (coconut, jojoba, almond etc)
pen and paper
Place 6 drops of New Moon ritual blend into the bowl and add about 4 tablespoons of your carrier oil.
Mix with your finger or your favourite spoon.
Pour a small amount into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together.
Perform some gentle self massage and anoint your skin with your blend, I like to strip down and cover my entire body, paying special attention to areas that might be dry or lacking love.
Wash your hands then take your pen and paper.
Settle in to a quiet space and think about what intentions you feel called towards for the following month
Write a short list of your intentions and then place a drop of the New Moon blend onto the paper, effectively charging your intentions with New Moon energy.
Place your paper somewhere safe so you can revisit on the Full Moon.

Full Moon
What you'll need:
small bowl for mixing
carrier oil of choice (coconut, jojoba, almond etc)
your list of intentions
Mix 6 drops of your Full Moon blend into the bowl with around 4 tablespoons of your chosen carrier oil.
Mix with your finger or your favourite spoon.
Pour a small amount into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together.
Perform some gentle self massage and anoint your skin with your blend, I like to strip down and cover my entire body, paying special attention to areas that might be dry or lacking love.
Wash your hands then take your list of intentions (if you haven't performed a New Moon ritual yet, it's perfectly fine to create your list now).
Read over your list and just sit with the feelings that come up.
How do your intentions feel now? Is there still power in them or are they feeling flat and misaligned? Maybe they feel alive and spark excitement in you. Maybe they are no longer quite right and need to be adjusted.
The Full Moon is the time to ignite the energy behind your intentions and bring action to produce results. Contemplate a few action steps and write them below your list.
Add a drop of Full Moon blend to your list and place it outside with your crystals to soak up even more Full Moon energy.
Self Love
What you'll need:
your favourite self love affirmation (there's a short list below)
a mirror
a rose quartz crystal (if you have one)
Note: Start where you are, if you don't have a Self Love roller yet just get started with the affirmations anyway!
♥ I approve of myself. I love myself deeply and fully.
♥ I am worthy of love and joy.
♥ Today I choose me.
♥ I am at peace with all that has happened in my life.
♥ My body is beautiful and expresses my spirit.
♥ I feel beautiful, I am beautiful.
♥ I love my body and all it does for me.
♥ I release the need to judge myself and my body.
I like to practice this one in front of the bathroom mirror morning and night.
Take your self love roller and apply it to your heart, wrists, neck and behind your ears (this area has a direct link to the limbic centre of our brains
which controls our emotions).
Take your rose quartz crystal in you hand, stand tall and repeat your chosen affirmation to yourself in the mirror.
Repeat as many times as you need to until you feel even a tiny shift in belief.
"Self love is the best love.
If you are practising self love, and behaving in a kind and respectful way to yourself, you are winning at life.
You are honouring yourself and your vibrational frequency will be working as a magnet, calling in all the good stuff. Make it your priority to give yourself the compassion that you deserve." - Semra Haksever.

The ritual of sage burning has its roots in Native American tradition. These days people of many cultures burn sage or holy herbs to cleanse their spaces of negative energy, to generate wisdom and clarity, and to promote healing. Intention is everything so make sure you get clear about what you're trying to clear or release.
What you'll need:
Note: you can also use a traditional sage wand if you have one instead.
If you are wanting to clear the energy in a room, start in one corner always working your way towards a door or opening.
Gently shake your Sage Spray to activate.
Mist the area, paying special attention to windows, mirrors and corners.
Open all windows and doors, allowing any stale energy to escape.
Finally mist yourself all over to release the energy from yourself too, this step can be done on it's own as often as you need. In our home we do this at least daily, especially after any disagreements and before bed.